Friday, March 20, 2009


Thing for a friend.

Hung out at Tara's studio and she hooked me up with a copy of her new book.  Worth the price of admission.

My neighborhood has a KISS mural.  What you got?

Studio Porn...Slowly getting the new space in shape.  Bought some shelves from Ikea and am moving the last of the furniture in. Been interviewing assistants too.  Kinda exhaustive.Also trying to stay on top of projects.

Once that's done...I can re-open my web store.



Basic-hater said...

It's kinda surreal to think that two of my favourite illustrators are good friends... especially as I am using you both as a reference for my band posters project. Tell me... are you friends with Alex Pardee too? That would be sooo freaky if you were.
Also good job I have ordered both your books then :D

revengethroughbetterliving said...

I've met Alex a few times but never hung out with him. Always stoked to see his new work.
I've known Tara for years. We met when we both lived in LA and were doing rock posters.