Tuesday, June 17, 2008


kia. warped tour.POSTER ewing
Kia Motors commissioned me to design their official Vans Warped Tour '08 poster. (This thing is like 8 posters in 1!!) They'll be handing these out at the KIA SOUL Lounge in "sponsor land" at every event. They are also making the art into huge-assed 6 ft tall banners.

Check FUSE TV, they're going to be featuring the artwork during Warped Wednesdays.

I'm stoked to be involved with the Warped Tour for a 5th year in a row. I can't even keep a girlfriend that long. Oy Vey.

**I gotta apologize to everyone that's been trying to get in touch with me over the past month. I've been up to my eyeballs with deadlines. Here's one of the first projects I can post.

If you contacted me and haven't heard back...please try again and I will get back to you.

1 comment:

Robert Edmonds said...

Very cool - great stuff Brian!!